Based on education and sustainability, our social responsibility goes beyond caring for the environment and using natural resources responsibly. We are focused on improving the lives of people.
Currently, DelRio runs two daycare centers: Dona Terezinha Pereira, located in the Serrinha neighborhood of Fortaleza, where several production units of the brand are concentrated, and another one in Maracanaú, the D. Elsa Maria Laureano Pereira Daycare, which was recently inaugurated and has a capacity of 150 children per shift. Both daycare centers serve the community and DelRio employees.
The Marcos Valentin Pereira de Souza Elementary School serves more than a thousand students in three shifts, and the evening classes are aimed at adults. This is a project maintained by DelRio in partnership with the Municipality of Fortaleza.
At the Professional Preparation Center in Maracanaú, we train 96% of our workforce, specializing employees who are mostly involved in the company's main sector, the sewing machine operators.
The program aims to train young people for their first job, enabling not only their professional growth in the clothing industry but also their internal mobility to other sectors, for those who excel.
Environmental projects are also part of DelRio's sustainable policies. Due to the large amount of textile waste from the industrial process, approximately 30 tons/month, the company has a proper destination for the scraps, sending them for recycling.
DelRio has a special concern for the recovery and treatment of its effluents, recovering about 75% of the water used in the company in internal treatment stations.
The main source of energy for the boiler is generated by burning cashew nut shells, a residue that used to represent a big problem for the environment. Nowadays, it is converted into energy through an ecological boiler with a capacity of 5,000 kg.